Sunday 21 April 2013

10 Interesting Facts about teeth

Below are 10 fun facts about teeth we anticipation you’d accept a acceptable timelearning about.

    The apply on the top apparent on your tooth is the hardest allotment of your absolute body.
    Teeth alpha to anatomy alike afore you are born—milk teeth or babyish teeth alpha to anatomy back the babyish is in the womb, but they appear through back the adolescent is amid 6-12 months old.
    Humans use four altered types of teeth (incisors, canine, premolars, and molars) to cut, breach and bullwork their food.
    Humans accept alone two sets of teeth in their absolute lifetime—baby teeth and abiding teeth. Once you accept your abiding teeth, accomplish abiding you booty acceptable affliction of them.
    No two bodies accept the aforementioned set of teeth—your teeth are as different as your fingerprint, so be appreciative of your different set of teeth.
    Your aperture produces over 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime—that’s abundant to ample two pond pools. Saliva has abounding uses, including acceptable you with your assimilation and protects your teeth from bacilli in your mouth.
    An boilerplate being spends 38.5 canicule abrasion their teeth over their lifetime.
    Abounding diseases are affiliated to your articulate health, including affection disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes.
    One third of your tooth is beneath your gums—that agency alone two thirds of your tooth’s breadth is visible.
    If you get your tooth agape out, put it in milk and authority it in your mouth—this will advice your tooth to survive longer. Accomplish abiding you see a dentist appropriate away.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Oral health for overall health

"Adequate diet is important in ache prevention, and comestible counseling is acceptable an added important tactic in antitoxin dentistry," says Ken Sutherland, DDS, chief dental adviser at Delta Dental. "The affection and bendability of foods, their comestible agreement and the combinations in which they are eaten can affect articulate health, including the likelihood of tooth decay," he adds.

Ongoing analysis indicates that antioxidants and added nutrients begin in fruits, vegetables, legumes and basics may strengthen amnesty and advance the body’s adeptness to action bacilli and inflammation, all of which can advice assure the teeth and gums. And some foods and comestible habits alike accept audible furnishings on the mouth’s adeptness to handle cavity-causing bacilli attacks.

For example:

    Calcium-fortified juices, milk and added dairy articles are affluent in calcium and vitamin D and advice advance advantageous teeth and bones, abbreviation the accident for tooth loss. Adding delicate milk to adapted dishes helps those who don’t like milk or cheese to get some of the calcium bare to assure teeth and jawbones.
    Cheese unleashes a access of calcium that mixes with applique and sticks to the teeth, attention them from the acerbic that causes adulteration and allowance to apple-pie tooth apply on the spot.
    Crisp fruits and raw vegetables, like apples, carrots and celery, advice apple-pie applique from teeth and activate breath.
    Antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin C, and added nutrients from fruits and vegetables advice assure gums and added tissues from corpuscle accident and bacterial infection.
    Recent studies announce that beginning cranberries arrest the bonding of articulate bacilli afore they can anatomy damaging plaque.
    Folic acerbic promotes a advantageous aperture and supports corpuscle advance throughout the absolute body. This affiliate of the B vitamin ancestors is begin in blooming abounding vegetables and brewer’s yeast.

You may already apperceive that cavity-causing bacilli augment on the amoroso in foods such as soda, amber milk and candies and catechumen it to acid, which attacks tooth apply and causes tooth decay. But did you apperceive the following:

    Acerb foods and drinks such as carbonated drinks, citrus fruits and juices, wine, pickles and honey can account tooth apply to abrasion abroad and teeth to become sensitive, absurd and discolored.

Timing is everything

A diet that promotes acceptable articulate bloom is not aloof about the foods you eat or abstain — back and how you eat them is appropriately important.

    Foods that booty a continued time to bite or that you authority in your aperture (such as ahem drops) can accident teeth as they authority amoroso adjoin teeth best than do added foods.
    Instead of snacking on sugary, carbohydrate-rich or acerb foods throughout the day, eat these foods aloof during meal times in adjustment to abbreviate the bulk of time teeth are apparent to acid. In addition, the anatomy produces added saliva to advice abstract beyond meals, which washes abroad added aliment and helps abrogate adverse acids afore they can advance teeth.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Natural Remedies for Bad Breathe

Natural Home Remedies

Brush Your Tongue

Tongue Scraperall of us ensure approved abrasion of teeth while absolutely blank the tongue.  Tiny beard like projections accoutrement the tongue, accord the consequence of a augment forest, below a microscope. The caps below the mushrooms are safe places for basic applique as the aliment we eat are accumulated there causing a abhorrent odour.  Hence, acclaim across-the-board the top of your tongue, while brushing, helps aliment and bacilli from accumulating below the caps.

Baking Soda

Baking soda makes an accomplished antidote for bad animation as it cleans the teeth by alteration the pH antithesis in your mouth.  This discourages advance of bacilli that account bad breath.  For beginning breath, baptize some baking soda into your palm, dip a clammy besom into the baking soda, and brush.
Another advantage is to use a toothpaste absolute baking soda.
Gargling your aperture with baking soda attenuated in balmy water, afar from charwoman your teeth will additionally advice accumulate your argot apple-pie sans bacteria.
Another abounding way to action the bacilli causing bad animation is by way of gargling your aperture with 1 tablespoon of baking soda alloyed with a cup of hydrogen achromatize in a arrangement of 2%-3%.
Make a adhesive application three genitalia baking soda to one allotment salt, and aloof a few drops of balmy baptize alloy and administer to argot with argot besom and besom to scrape abroad debris; additionally administer adhesive to besom and besom gums and teeth; again add balmy baptize to the actual adhesive and agitate about aperture rinsing.  However, accomplish abiding to accessory teeth earlier.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Rinsing your aperture with hydrogen achromatize afore abrasion is a acceptable cure for bad breath.

Tea-Tree Oil

Using toothpaste absolute tea-tree oil, a accustomed antibacterial or abacus the oil to the toothpaste can be an able cure
You can additionally adapt a mouthwash with tea timberline oil by abacus 3 drops to a cup of balmy water.  Irrigate this band-aid for two to three times daily, if accessible afterwards anniversary meal.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Rinsing your aperture with a bottle of baptize alloyed with bisected tablespoon of Angel cider alkali works abracadabra and eliminates bad breath.

Eating yogurt affluent in acidophilus for 6 weeks will advice antithesis theе acceptable аnd bad bacilli in thе belly thuѕ eradicating halitosis completely.  Including yoghurt in your circadian diet is actual capital as it not alone helps the belly but additionally promotes all-embracing health.
Vitamins/ Zinc

Taking vitamin E, vitamin C and zinc hеlр kеер articulate bacilli at bay.
Olive oil

Consumption of unheated added abstinent olive oil helps adjoin bad breath

Eating lеѕѕ meat аnd lots оf beginning fruits аnd vegetables burdened with fibre, hеlр action halitosis effectively. If уоu wаnt tо cure уоur abominable animation condition, bite оn beginning raw vegetables аnd fruits ѕuсh аѕ celery, carrot, angel аnd pear.
Fruit and vegetable juices too are accessible in alleviative Halitosis or bad animation and hence, should be captivated generously.  Juices extracted from blooming vegetables are decidedly valuable.

Citrus Fruits

Dry aperture generally causes bad breath.  Accordingly bistro citrus fruits abounding in Citric acid, stimulates the saliva, abstinent aperture bacteria, that is amenable for causing bad breath.


Rinse with a bottle of baptize and the abstract of bisected a auto afterwards anniversary meal in adjustment to anticipate ceremony of bad breath.
Yоu саn mix оnе teaspoon оf auto аnd amber abstract intо a bottle оf baptize аnd artlessly gargle.
Drinking auto will brace your breath.

Pomegranate саn amusement bad breath.  For this dry amethyst bark in the sun and alloyed with baking baptize may be acclimated as a bathe back cold.
To use amethyst as a drink, dry amethyst bark in the adumbration (not sun).  Tаkе thе broiled bark mix it in a aliment processor to powder.  Then, add аbоut thrее grams intо a bottle оf hot оr algid baptize forth with Auto аnd amber for consumption. (Also apprehend amethyst bloom benefits)


Avocados assignment by removing abdominal decomposition, which is a accepted agency for bad breath.  Therefore, they accomplish accomplished aperture freshener.


Unripe guava, abounding in tannic, malic, oxalic, and phosphoric acids as able-bodied as calcium, oxalate, and manganese is useful.  Chewing the blooming fruit, makes a abounding analeptic for the teeth and gums as it aids bleeding gums and impedes bad breath.  Chewing breakable leaves of guava timberline additionally end bleeding gums and bad odour appearing from your breath.


Herbs can be acclimated as animation freshener. Chewing on a baby axis of beginning spearmint, rosemary and tarragon for up to a minute can advice allay bad breath.


Loaded with Chlorophylls, absolute balmy antibacterial properties, Parsley helps annul bad breath.  Chewing or burning few sprigs of parsley, afar from convalescent assimilation will advice abate abdominal gas.  Making a borsch of coarsely chopped parsley with two cups of baking water, forth with two or three accomplished cloves or a division teaspoon of arena cloves, artificial and captivated back air-conditioned makes an amazing mouthwash.

Mint Leaves

Chewing on excellent leaves or gum can stop bad animation alienated any affectionate of embarrassment.  Mixing a few sprigs of excellent added to bisected a litre of baking baptize and larboard for an hour to air-conditioned if gargled works well.

Basil Leaves

Every morning bite bristles leaves of Basil and alcohol baptize for a cure.


Gargle your aperture with a dosage of amber abstract alloyed in a bottle of hot water.
A admixture fabricated with Auto amber аnd balmy baptize for rinsing your aperture alert a day additionally helps.

Sunflower Seeds

Chew some sunflower seeds and alcohol a bottle of baptize afterwards commons to get rid of Halitosis.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seedsA tea able from Fenugreek seeds helps action bad odour. This is able by abacus one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to bisected a litre of coldwater and affable for fifteen account on low heat. This tea artificial and captivated as a cooler is a accustomed cure for bad breath.

Cardamom Seeds

The ambrosial flavour of cardamom seeds act as a accustomed animation freshener and is abiding a abounding antidote for bad breath.


Cloves are affluent in almighty antibacterial substance, eugenol.  Accordingly  affective one into your aperture and bitter it will clarify the aspect through your mouth. Spit it out afterwards a few minutes. However, application delicate cloves or abysm oil may bake though.

Cinnamon Stick

Like cloves, biscuit too contains antibacterial properties.  Appropriately sucking a biscuit stick can prove beneficial.


Certain beverages as wine whiskey beer and coffee leave a balance that can attach to the applique in your aperture and charge your digestive system. Therefore, anniversary animation you booty reeks of bad odour.

Drink Black/Green Tea

Since atramentous and blooming teas accommodate able polyphenols antioxidants that advance bacterial advance in your mouth, acting coffee with atramentous or blooming tea for your morning cuppa for refreshment.


Water has a cleansing aftereffect accordingly bubbler affluence of baptize can anticipate bad animation and advice even out bacilli from your mouth.  Accumulate a bottle of baptize by your bedside at night and alcohol affluence afore you go and deathwatch up from bed for bigger results.

Sugarless Gum

Chewing on sugarless gum keeps the aperture clammy and enables accessible breeze of saliva. This prevents dry aperture and after the bad odour associated with it.


Skipping commons can become a anchorage for ancestry bacilli as the aperture starts dehydration after food.


Stress can accord to innumerable problems with dry aperture actuality no exception. Dry aperture brings about bad odour and accent aggravates the assembly of airy sulphur compounds in the aperture smelling bad.

Friday 5 April 2013

Garlic for toothache

Below are some of the toothache remedies at home:
Chew or rub the raw garlic over the affected tooth or particular gum. It may usually cause burning and throbbing over the gums, but it may cure instantly.

Dip one clove on the rock salt and place it over the affected tooth, it may reduce the pain.

You can also do garlic mouth wash. Crush some raw garlic cloves and add it in cold water. swish the mouth with this elixir around the infected or affected tooth area.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Dental health care

 Here are some advantageous Dental health care tips from the Idaho State Dental Association, aggregate by Dr. Shepard, DDS:

    Consume Halloween bonbon with commons – Saliva assembly increases during meals, acrid acids produced by bacilli in the aperture and allowance bathe abroad aliment particles.

    Avoid adamantine bonbon and added sweets that break in the aperture for a continued time – Candies that charge to be sucked bottomward for a continued aeon of time accountable teeth to abiding acerbic attack, accretion the accident for tooth decay.

    Avoid adhesive candies that adhere to your teeth

    Better to eat two pieces at already than alone over the day – It is the abundance that is the best important agency in tooth decay, not the quantity. This helps absolute acknowledgment to acids that are larboard on teeth afterwards eating.

    Besom daily: 2 minutes, 2 times a day – Now added than ever, it’s important you besom a minimum of alert a day for two minutes. This can save you from astringent tooth affliction later.

Tips for Kids with Braces:

Braces don’t mix able-bodied with some kinds of candy—chewy treats can accident braces and amplify analysis time. But that doesn’t beggarly accouchement with braces accept to absence out on the Halloween fun. Here are some appropriate tips for those who accept braces this Halloween:

    Kids with braces can still have a acceptable timesoft, easy-to-chew treats such as: melt-in-your-mouth chocolates, peanut adulate cups, etc.

    Rinse, brush, and accessory afterwards your Halloween outings. This should dislodge any bonbon ashore in the braces. This is additionally a abundant tip for everyone, not aloof addition with braces.

    Make treats that anybody can enjoy. You can acquisition several dental-friendly recipes and assets online.

Not Every Halloween Treat Has to Be Sweet:

    Looking for a bonbon alternative? The American Dental Association teamed up to advice advise kids of all ages about acceptable articulate hygiene. Check out for fun freebies like printable crank masks, appearance pages, and more! It’s a fun another to candy, and it’s free!.

– Taffy and adhering bears booty best to get done abroad by saliva, accretion the accident for tooth decay. 

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Oral health for overall health

Good oral health is really about your body’s overall wellness.
Just like exercise and healthy eating, flossing will also help prevent gum disease which can prevent:
  • Heart disease 
  • Strokes     
  • Diabetes 
  • Low birth-weight babies
  • There have even been studies that indicate flossing can play a role in staving off the onset of Alzheimer’s.
Having healthy teeth isn’t just about looking great (although that’s a nice perk!).
Good dental health care is really about your body’s overall wellness.
So brush right, brush often and f
loss daily!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Teeth whitening at home

  • Mix baking soda & peroxide in a small tuperware container to form a paste. Take a small,square once folded piece of tin foil & form a molded teeth guard of upper teeth. (bottom separatly). Then place a small,squared paper towel inside molded foil, add thin layer of pre-mixed paste inside. Time:15min; Rinse; 2x week. Brush & Floss after every meal. No fail results!
  • Take a tablespoon or two (don't fill your entire mouth!!!) of sesame oil in your mouth.
    -Gargle it thoroughly in the entire mouth for 15-20 minutes. Make sure you cover every part of your mouth as you 'swish and swirl' the oil.
    -Don't just keep the oil without gargling. Keep gargling throughout the process(you may rest for a few seconds in case your jaws become tired, though!). But make sure you don't let the oil go down your throat.
    -As you gargle, you will gradually notice that the oil becomes thinner and less viscous.
    -After gargling, spit it out into the flush, and if you have done it right, you will notice that the oil has become least viscous and is whitish in color.
    -Wash your mouth thoroughly well with warm (NOT HOT) water.  
  • Take a banana peel (yes a banana peel) cut a small piece of it and rub the white inside part on your teeth. Leave it on for no more than 15 minutes. The minerals inside the peel such as potassium and bromine will naturally whiten your teeth without chemical damage (not proven).  These are some of the simple methods to do dental bleaching at home.